Ovi Watch - Scored Number 694, Now Tied For 8th All Time With Messier, Officially Only 200 Away From Gretzky

I'll keep it short but I am amazed by every minute we get to watch Ovi play hockey. I've blogged a bunch about this feeling but every single time I see his name in the top 10 in ALL TIME GOALS I get the chills. My first memory is being 4 years old at USAir Arena watching the Caps. I used to tape Caps games because I wasn't allowed to stay up late to watch them. I've watched probably 98% of Ovi's games, and I still cannot believe we are lucky enough to watch him play hockey. 

And now...200 goals away. I mean....200 doesn't sound like that many at all. It just doesn't. I know in reality it's still a ton but 200 to a still 34 year old Ovi sounds like he could break it tomorrow.

Man, the next few years are going to be so much fun. Hope everyone is just savoring ever minute we get to watch him. Absolute GOAT. 

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